• Making Paint

    Over the summer my discomfort with acrylic paints increased to such a degree that I was compelled to explore other options. These days I want to paint on raw canvas (and other fabrics) so oils won't work as they would eat through the fabric and watercolors are too thin. So I am looking into dyes and inks thinking to make my own paint by thickening them some how. For ink making I've been referring to two very lushly illustrated books as a guide for the first step in this adventure. Botanical Inks by Babs Behan which is mostly about dyes and Make Ink by Jason Logan. Both are excellent books to begin making inks and dyes with. Very clear directions. Both also source most of their materials through foraging.

    Foraging. I generally avoid it but only because I'm concerned that my walks will start to feel like shopping. That would be sad. It has definitely changed my walks but no shopping vibe as yet. (whew) I have made ink from sumac, choke berry, walnut, and steel wool soaked in vinegar. I'm also making ink using powdered pigments. My issues here are figuring out the quantity needed for a painting and, for the foraged inks, a preservative. I am currently using a clove but need something stronger.